FFA Official Dress

Below you will find everything you need to know about the FFA Official Dress including what you need, where to order, and how to order. Make sure you pay attention because the outfits are different for males and females. The jackets and ties/scarfs will be ordered through Mrs. Grubbs which you will need to pay her up front and get measured for your jacket. 
Here is the link to see what the official jackets look like! The link to the measuring tools for your jacket are here, Mrs. Grubbs will also measure you in class. All of the ties and scarves, as well as shipping, will be included in the jacket price and Mrs. Grubbs will order them for you. 
Male Jacket & Tie Price: $85
Female Jacket & Scarf Price: $85
Below you will see the male and female components of Official Dress listed, I also have an Amazon Link here that has everything needed in one place. Please be aware that you DO NOT have to order these components from Amazon, as long as you have something similar, looking at places like Goodwill or the Salvation Army often have the dress shirts, pants, and skirts, for a good price.