School Counselor

Hello! My name is Erin Blalock. I am the School Counselor at PCMS!  I was raised in Craven County and currently reside in New Bern, NC. I attended New Bern High School and graduated in 2002. I remained in New Bern after graduation to attend Craven Community College to earn my general education courses and then transferred to a four-year university. In 2007, I graduated from the University of North Carolina Wilmington with a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Psychology. After graduating and moving home to New Bern, I began my five-year journey at Methodist Home for Children in residential care, independent living care for at-risk youth, outreach services, and foster care supervision. I have always had a true passion for education and helping students succeed, so I  returned to school to further my education.
In 2012, I took a leap of faith and began my journey as a School Counselor at West Craven High School while completing my master’s degree. In 2013, I graduated from East Carolina University with a Master of Science Degree in Counselor Education and remained at WCHS for the next four years.  In July 2017, I transitioned to Craven Early College High School as the School Counselor for all students, as well as the advisor for 5th-year seniors. My goal as a School Counselor is to help students achieve optimal personal growth, acquire positive social skills and values, set appropriate career goals, and realize full academic potential to become productive members of the world community. The most exciting part of my job that I love so much is seeing students grow academically and focus on their overall well-being. Seeing students passionate about their education and future is the "why" behind my love for counseling.
At home, I am truly blessed with a wonderful husband and two children. Our children keep our lives exciting and our hearts full of joy. I am so blessed to live close to my family! We love camping, going to the beach, family time, cookouts with friends, our church, and the many gifts of life!
Background image  Erin  Blalock`s profile picture
Erin Blalock
School Counselor
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Phone: 252-745-4061